Try Transit Free



We are willing to give FREE transit passes to anyone who wishes to give transit a try.

Try Transit FREE

Try Transit FREE

We are so sure that transit can be a viable transportation option in South Florida that we are willing to give FREE 3-DAY passes to any and everyone who requests them to get to and from work. This way, you can give transit a try and it will not cost you anything.

  • Your free transit pass(es) will be mailed to the home address you provide below, or transmitted electronically, if available.
  • Why are we doing this? The Florida Department of Transportation believes that more people using public transportation means less people driving alone, which leads to less congested roadways and less traffic! Basically, we hope that your trying transit for yourself will lead to your continued use of it. Then hopefully you will tell all of your friends and family how great it is so that they too might give it a try and probably not have to drive alone either.
  • BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! You will also be signed up for the Department of Transportation’s Guaranteed Ride Home program. This means that the government will pay for your ride home (via Uber, Lyft or taxicab) in the event of certain emergencies and you are unable to take transit to get home. You can also use your free Guaranteed Rides Home if you have to work late unexpectedly and are unable to take your normal transit service. More information on the Guaranteed Ride Home program is available at What is Guaranteed Ride Home.
  • This Free Transit Pass offer can be redeemed only once per email or home address.